Web Bridge™
Online voting presents a unique opportunity for member-based organizations. By combining the power of the internet with our very own Web Bridge™ technology, we’re able to connect our secure voting site with your members’ existing portal. This allows your members to vote directly on your site, effectively streamlining elections. Clients using our Web Bridge™ technology report increased voter satisfaction, member engagement, renewal rates, brand recognition, and voter participation.
Ballot Tracking
By incorporating ballot tracking for both paper and online ballots, we’re capable of tracking ballot information in real time. As for paper ballot tracking, Election Central 10, our state-of-the-art election system, provides tracking information for mailed ballots and comes at no additional costs. With online ballot tracking, Election Central 10 tracks open and click rates, and the exact moment a vote is processed, also at no additional cost.
'I Voted'
There's a distinct pride that comes with casting a ballot. That's why we offer digital "I Voted" stickers to online voters, which they can share on their respective social media sites with the click of a button. Social media integration increases member engagement not only with your organization’s social media campaigns, but also with your members’ social audience.
We’re sincere when we say we are extremely grateful our clients’ have entrusted their elections in our hands. In return, we dedicate a significant amount of resources to election security, specifically our single-vote guarantee, another benefit of the aforementioned Election Central 10 system.
One Member, One Vote
Our technology only allows one vote to be recorded per member, and completely prevents duplicate voting from ever taking place. We use a central voting list that checks off each member’s name once their vote is processed. Once their name is crossed off, a duplicate vote—which is exceedingly rare—is prohibited from being counted.
Secret Ballots
To maintain secrecy, Election Central® has a system in place to separate and make indistinguishable voters from how they voted. Similar to a person dropping a paper ballot into a box, there’s no way to associate a vote with a voter after the vote has been processed. Our auditing system can identify who has voted but cannot disclose how they voted.
Accessibility and reliability are the keys to any great voting system. We stress dependability because we’ve made the necessary precautions to eliminate “main server” failures. We can provide you with more technical information about how we prevent system disruptions in future phone calls or meetings. The important thing is you can rest assured knowing that we’ve used the same system continuously since 2003, and have had zero interruptions since
Data Privacy
The membership list you share with us is information that you strictly own. We never share your member list with third parties. The membership list, or ‘voter file’ as we call it, is strictly used for the election. Yes Elections guarantees destruction of the information post-election.
YesElections provides secure and accurate tabulation. With a system that is auditable, and with our proven track record, you can trust in our verifiable tabulation.